14 March 2006

"The Origins of the Baha’i Faith in Black America...24-26 March at Green Acre"

When the fasting is done and you are spiritually refreshed, here's an event you might like to attend.

March 24, 2006 - March 26, 2006

The Origins of the Baha’i Faith in Black

Jerome ’Jay’ Green

More Details
at Greenacre Bahai School Website

Stroll down on the page if you wanna know what Tod Ewing and Barry Magnus will be up to 9-11 June?

Details also posted at: http://PupiloftheEye.Net/News-and-Events.html

Check out this page too: Selected profiles of African American Baha'is


"And now I give you a commandment which shall be for a covenant between you and Me -- that ye have faith; that your faith be steadfast as a rock that no storms can move, that nothing can disturb, and that it endure through all things even to the end; even should ye hear that your Lord has been crucified, be not shaken in your faith, for I am with you always, whether living or dead, I am with you to the end. As ye have faith so shall your powers and blessings be. This is the balance -- this is the balance -- this is the balance."

Attributed to 'Abdu'l-Baha


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